Your Cat Adoption Checklist

Adopting a new cat or kitten is so exciting! You’re adding a new member to the family, one who will provide you with entertainment, love and joy for (hopefully) many years to come!
Before you take home your precious feline, you’ll need to stock up on supplies. Even if you already have a cat or kitten at home, it can be useful to pick up another litter box or bed, just so the cats feel like they have a place to call their own.
If you’re ready to take the next step towards cat or kitten adoption, check our our list here:
Personalized ID tag
Wet food
Dry food
Wet food bowl
Dry food bowl
Water bowl
Cat carrier
Litter box
Litter scooper
Pad or rug that goes under the litter box to prevent litter from scattering all over the floor
Litter deodorizer (spray or powder)
Scratching post or cat tree
Cat bed
Nail trimmer
Flea medicine
Pet emergency kit