Herschel Meets His New Family on Rocky Kanaka’s Dog’s Day Out

After receiving more than 200 applicants, Rocky Kanaka announced that Herschel has been adopted and now resides on a ranch in Washington, where he has several acres to run around and a house with a comfy bed to sleep in.
And he’s not alone! Herschel’s new family includes two other German Shepherds. It’s safe to say that he’ll never be restrained or isolated ever again.
Herschel was featured on Kanaka’s Youtube series, Dog’s Day Out, which highlights sweet-natured dogs who have a difficult time finding a home and give them their “best day ever” in the hopes that they’ll be adopted soon after.
In Herschel’s case, “Bear’s Day Out” might be a more suitable title. First, they spent the morning in Big Bear where he got to see snow for the first time ever. Turns out, he loves it! The cold weather didn’t stop him from rolling around and playing fetch. He even enjoyed the ice as a snack.
Afterward, Herschel spent the rest of the day offering free bear hugs. He and three other stuffed teddy bears stood by signs, welcoming anyone who wanted an embrace.
“People passing by couldn’t help but stop and get a free bear hug,” Kanaka said in the episode. “I’d ask people what teddy bear they wanted to hug, and they would always pick Herschel.”
Despite Herschel’s rough beginning, neglected and chained outside by his previous owners, he’s still full of love, welcoming the affection he didn’t have before.
Since the show launched March 26, it’s gotten more than 1 million views.
But Kanaka didn’t stop there. He featured Herschel in three more Dog’s Day Out videos just to show the world his truly admirable qualities. In the second show, Herschel also got his DNA tested, thanks to Wisdom Panel, to find out if he’s 100 percent German Shepherd or a mixed breed. You can find out the results by viewing this video!
While on the road from Los Angeles to meet Herschel’s new owner in Redding, California, Kanaka took Herschel to see the ocean. Before they even entered the beach, Herschel started chattering like Chewbacca, full of curiosity and excitement. Once he stepped foot on the ocean, his immediate response was to start frolicking over the waves. See for yourself by watching this Dog’s Day Out video!
In his last episode, Kanaka documented the rest of the road trip to Redding, where you can watch Herschel feasting on a Chipotle burrito and puppacinos and finally meeting his new family! Throughout the trip, you can see that Herschel’s nature is very easy going, open minded and comfortable in unfamiliar environments.
Once they reached their destination, Kanaka took Herschel on one last hike before they encountered Kim, Herschel’s new owner. She was immediately greeted with genuine enthusiasm as Herschel rolled over for a belly rub.
It’s been quite entertaining watching Kanaka and Herschel these past few weeks, and it’s bittersweet when you see them part ways. Nevertheless, the true excitement is only beginning for Herschel.
“I know Herschel has a lot of fans, and I just want to assure everybody that he will never see a chain ever again in his life,” Kim told Kanaka. “He will never be tethered. There will never be a day without love.”