The 5 Best Dog Movies of All Time

Everyone loves a good dog movie. Few movie subjects tug at the heartstrings more than dogs. They’re the most loyal of pets and audiences flock to films that tell a great story about man’s best friend. There are zillions of movies about dogs, but we narrowed down the list to the top five. Here are the best dog movies of all time (and no spoilers)!
Lady and the Tramp
Forget “Titanic.” “Lady and the Tramp” is the best movie about finding love on the wrong side of the tracks. This animated film came out in 1955 and is an adaptation of “Happy Dan, the Whistling Dog” by Ward Greene. The movie tells the story of Lady, a Cocker Spaniel, and Tramp, a mixed-breed street dog. “Lady and the Tramp” wooed critics and convinced audiences that spaghetti is most definitely the most romantic food of all time!
Best in Show
Christopher Guest is a master in mockumentary, and this 2000 comedy about show dogs is one of his finest works. “Best in Show” follows the journeys of several dog show entrants before, during and after the main event. Spoofing the prep process and poking fun at competitors, this movie is a delight for dog show enthusiasts and non-enthusiasts alike. In the words of an anonymous Westminster alum: “It’s funny because it’s true.”
Old Yeller
Even just a mention of the the name “Old Yeller” is enough to get the waterworks going. We won’t spoiler the ending for you, but we will say that it’s a tearjerker. “Old Yeller” is the tale of a golden dog who wants nothing more than to protect his owners. It’s a shining example of loyalty and will have you hugging your pooch extra tight from beginning to end.
One Hundred and One Dalmatians
Another animated Disney classic, “One Hundred and One Dalmatians,” features one of our very favorite Disney tunes. “Cruella de Vil” is a terrific earworm and take it from us – it’s a great song to belt in the shower. This movie is based on a book, and is about the adventures of a family of dalmatians who are kidnapped by a villain with a fondness for animal fur. And what’s better than puppies? One hundred and one of them, of course!
Lassie Come Home
When it comes to Hollywood hits, “Lassie Come Home” is arguably the most famous. This classic tale of a Collie and her owner inspired multiple sequels and a remake in 2005. It even features an 11-year-old Elizabeth Taylor in a minor roll.
Also be sure to check out our article on the best books about dogs!