Non-Poisonous Plants: Plants Safe for Cats and Dogs

We have an article on poisonous plants, but what about non-poisonous plants that are actually safe for cats and dogs? Surely your love of greenery can live in harmony with your love of your four-legged friends, right?
The answer is yes! As Spring rapidly approaches, many people across the country are celebrating the season by planting their gardens.
The Added Responsibility of Being a Pet Owner
Pet owners have more to consider than just what plants make their gardens (indoors or out) beautiful. They have to ensure their plants and flowers are safe for their furry family members as well. Some dogs chew on everything without discretion, and a curious kitten may think a new bouquet looks tasty, so pet parents need to choose foliage that is safe in the event Fido takes a nibble!
Obviously, if you are a pet lover and have a green thumb, you don’t want plants toxic to cats and dogs in your garden. Here’s our list of non-poisonous plants for pets. It’s a collection of some common non-toxic plants safe for cats and dogs. They include indoor and outdoor plants and flowers, with a couple of fruits and veggies as well, courtesy of the ASPCA.
Bamboo, Majesty Palms, Miniature Fishtail Dwarf Palm, Dwarf Palm, Parlor Palm, Good Luck Palm: Palms are hardy plants for indoors or out, depending on climate.
Gerber Daisy, Barberton Daisy, Veldt Daisy, Transvaal Daisy, African Daisy: Beautiful in bouquets or on their own, this perennial comes in a myriad of colors, including white, yellow, orange, red and pink.
Celosia Plumosa or Cocks Comb: Also great in a bouquet, these easy-to-grow flowers prefer rich, moist and well-drained soil.
Cucumber: The cucumber is a tropical vegetable that thrives in hot climates with plenty of water. A truly delicious, non-poisonous plant that makes everybody happy.
Feather Palm: For those seeking a bit of the tropics in their own backyard, feather palms are a close relative of the coconut palm.
Grape Hyacinth: These are not to be confused with actual grapes, which are EXTREMELY poisonous to pets! But one of Spring’s first and hardiest flowers, hyacinth grows well in rock gardens and containers!
Phalaenopsis Orchid, Moth Orchid, Moon Orchid: One of the hardiest of the orchid family, phalaenopsis are widely available non-poisonous plants and come highly recommended for first-time orchid growers.
Strawberry: Strawberries aren’t just for the garden; they can also be grown indoors in strawberry pots.
Zinnia: Zinnias are usually grown from seeds and prefer well-drained soil in an area with full sun. They will reseed themselves, providing flowers you can enjoy year after year.
Poisonous Plants Are No Joke
Remember, poisonous plants are no joke. Be sure your garden is exclusively full of non-poisonous plants that are truly safe for cats and dogs. If your pet eats plants toxic to cats or dogs, call your veterinarian or bring them to an animal hospital immediately!